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Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer 1.08 (iphone)

file size : 19.3 MB
Seller: Oceanhouse Media, Inc. © 2010 Oceanhouse Media, Inc.
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POOR RUDOLPH! All the other reindeer make fun of his bright red nose and won’t let him play in their reindeer games. But when Christmas is almost cancelled because of a huge snowstorm, Rudolph comes to Santa's rescue!

Like Rudolph himself, this digital book is special. It includes custom music, background audio, enlarged artwork for each scene, and authentic audio clips from the timeless 1964 TV special! The app also includes special effects for Rudolph's glowing nose and falling snow!

To promote reading in young children, individual words are highlighted as the story is read. By combining the original text and beautiful artwork with features that entertain and promote reading, this digital book appeals to readers of all ages.

The Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer digital book for your iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch is brought to you by Oceanhouse Media, publisher of the critically acclaimed, bestselling Dr. Seuss series of apps.

Three ways to read this digital book:

? "Read to Me"— listen to the narrated story with words highlighted as they are read
? "Read it Myself"— read the book in its traditional form
? "Auto Play"— plays like a movie, automatically reading and turning pages. Great for younger children!

Additional Features:
? Find hidden sounds by tapping within the pictures
? Professional audio narration
? Custom background audio for each scene
? Pages pan & zoom to accentuate the colorful, original artwork

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