MobiXplorer application is very rich in functionalities, not only it does the basic file management operations but also has features like screen capture, file encryption, compression, file protection, task manager and many more. Upon launching this app on your mobile, it displays the folders on your mobile device. You can then navigate through these folders.
1. Files ( Open, Refresh, Properties)
2. File Utils ( Find)
3. Tools ( Task manager, Start Screen Capture, Restart Phone and Turn light On)
4. Misc ( Switch Layout, Phone Info, Network Info)
5. Settings ( General, Command Shortcut, Hex Viewer and Screen Capture)
You can perform file operation by highlighting a file and then select “Options”-> “Files”. You can also encrypt/compress a file by going into “Options”->”File utils”. The encryption feature is good for encrypting multimedia files so that they can not be open by unauthorized user. Screen capture function is used to capture the current screen of your mobile device. The application will run in background and you need to press Camera key in order to take a screenshot.
You can also get phone info (Phone OS, System information) and network info (Mobile Country Code, Mobile Network Code) by selecting “Options”->”Misc”. You can also apply password protection to your files as well as shortcut configuration can be done via “Options”->”Settings” menu.