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Applanet v2.5.1 (Android)

 With this you can download apps/games just like the Android market. Set up the same way only apps/games listed are full versions. Free apps are listed as well as paid ones. You will notice the paid versions have a line through the price. Note: - that its a bit up and down. It doesnt always work but usually it does. Usually it will auto download any new version update too. Also note apps downloaded go into applanet folder and will be stored there even if you choose to install right after downloading. You can of course delete them from that folder after if you wish. Or keep for back up.

NOTE: If you launch the app and all you see is the loading screen don't despair,most likely the applanet server is down and it's only a matter of time before it's up and all working fine again. Also all versions before this one will not work!

download file : hotfile